Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Isaac CROSBY had at least 19 children

From Fanny J. Crosby, "Memories of Eighty Years" (James H. Earle & Company, Boston: 1906), p. 2 #21 http://www.disabilitymuseum.org/lib/docs/1653.htm?page=2#21 Disability History Museum, www.disabilitymuseum.org,

"My great-grandfather, Isaac Crosby, was noted for his wit. While in the Revolutionary War, wishing a furlough that he might visit his home to see a child born during his absence, he told his general that he had nineteen children at home and had never seen one of them. Of course his request was granted. He was the son of Eleazer Crosby and Patience Freeman, the grand-daughter of Elder William Brewster; and through Zachariah Paddock, another ancestor on my mother's side, we are also descended from Thomas Prence and Major John Freeman." (Fanny's mother's maiden name was CROSBY.)

If Isaac's wife was still of childbearing age following the incident related above, it is possible that he had even more children than nineteen. One problem with this recollection is that no Isaac CROSBY is listed in the Dutchess County revolutionary war militia records in print. Perhaps it was another conflict?


Donna said...

Dear Beverly,

I just came across your website. Phebe Crosby Peck Knight Lott is my great-great-great-grandmother.
We have been trying to find information on her parents. What has been handed down to us is that her father's name was Elisha and her mother's name Susan??. I haven't been able to find them.

Would be interested in any other information that you might have and would be glad to share anything I might have with you. We do have the same picture that is posted on your site.

Phebe's daughter Sarah Jane Peck married Charles C. Rich.

My name is Donna Rich Voyles
my email is donna@mstar.net
Phone #208-788-1804. Would love to hear from you.

Beverly L. Royer said...

Anita Lustenberger says to beware of Fanny Crosby's memoirs; they aren't always accurate.